PSWP Foundations of Leadership Certificate

What is the Foundations of Leadership Certificate?

The Foundations of Leadership Certificate Program is an opportunity for New York State M/C and PEF-represented employees to develop and enhance their leadership skills. To earn the certificate, learners must complete the online course, Introduction to Foundations of Leadership, and the five PSWP workshops below. Introduction to Foundations of Leadership covers basic leadership concepts, including the difference between leading and managing, communication skills, critical thinking, and more.

Intended Audience: New York State M/C and PEF-represented employees in any grade

Program Length: Complete Introduction to Foundations of Leadership (approximately one hour) and the five required courses (each one day in length/6 contact hours)

Introduction to Foundations of Leadership (Online)

This online self-paced course introduces participants to fundamental leadership concepts including the differences between leading and managing, communication skills, critical thinking, and more. This course is required for the Foundations of Leadership Certificate.

Course Format: Online, self-paced
Course Length: Approximately one hour to complete

Five Required Courses

Course Format: Live, instructor-led webinar or live classroom
Course Length: One full day/6 contact hours (virtual is two half-days over consecutive days)

Recommended Sequence: Complete Introduction to Foundations of Leadership first, then complete the five required courses in any order. For those who completed one or more of the five required courses before completing the online introductory course, PSWP will issue the certificate when all six courses are completed.

Certificate: To receive your certificate, please wait until you have completed Introduction to Foundations of Leadership (Online) and the five required workshops. Once you have completed all six courses, email with your N number and copies of all six course completion certificates.

Registration for all offerings is through the New York State Learning Management System (SLMS). Login to SLMS and search the workshop title to find current offerings.

Required Courses for the Foundations of Leadership Certificate

To receive a Foundations of Leadership Certificate, you must complete the following workshops:

Adapting to Change

This virtual workshop participants learn skills that are needed to adjust to constantly shifting workplace demands. Topics include viewing change as an opportunity; understanding the physical impact of change; developing "change hardiness"; achieving flexibility in the face of new demands; and predicting the paths of change.

  • Identify the reasons people fear change
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the stages of change readiness
  • Describe change as an opportunity
  • Identify ways to embrace change as an opportunity
  • Define change hardiness and discuss its importance in supporting professional success
  • Define flexibility and the role it plays in one’s ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment

Decision Making & Critical Thinking

This virtual workshop focuses on developing clear and logical thought processes which enable effective decision making. Participants learn how to critically evaluate and process information and make the best decision from it. Topics to be discussed include formulating reasoned ideas, interpreting information, and recognizing and overcoming barriers to critical thinking. Participants will practice applying critical thinking and decision-making processes to work-related discussions and assignments including customer service settings.

  • Define common barriers to critical thinking and explain ways to overcome barriers
  • Apply critical thinking skills to work-related discussions
  • Make decisions based on a structured problem-solving process
  • Support decisions using available information
  • Engage others in the decision-making process
  • Apply the decision-making processes to work assignments
  • Formulate ideas that are coherent, logical, and well-structured

Effective Communication Techniques

This two-session (each 3 hours in length) virtual workshop examines workplace communication between two or more people wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received, and understood. Participants will explore how perceptions influence understanding, the impact of nonverbal communication on the way a message is perceived, and best practices for drafting tactful emails.

  • Improve listening skills to enhance the positive flow of information
  • Explain how perception influences a person's point a view
  • Discuss the components of body language
  • Explain basic meeting etiquette
  • Practice basic email etiquette
  • Use open and closed questions appropriately
  • Avoid verbal triggers

Managing Multiple Priorities

This two-session (each 3 hours in length) virtual workshop is designed to help develop skills in setting goals, prioritizing, and managing simultaneous responsibilities and activities in today's fast-paced work environments. Participants will learn how to take control of their workday to help enhance productivity and success while minimizing stress.

  • Identify skills that are conducive to setting goals
  • Manage simultaneous responsibilities
  • Prioritize activities in a fast-paced work environment
  • Identify strategies to enhance productivity and to reduce stress
  • Explore numerous time management strategies for increased productivity
  • Explore several sources of stressors in the workplace and in one’s personal life which can reduce productivity

Workplace Conflict Resolution

This virtual workshop provides practical tools and techniques for conflict management and dispute resolution in the workplace. Topics include individual styles for resolving conflict and determining how differences impact communication. In this interactive workshop, participants will also learn the benefit of searching for root causes of potential conflict before jumping to negative conclusions about individual behavior of others.

  • Describe factors that lead to conflict
  • Define Conflict and its corresponding responses
  • Develop and use an "I Statement" to address small-scale conflict
  • Explain how differences in styles impact communication and exacerbate conflict
  • Understand their individual style preferences for resolving conflict
  • Identify personality and conflict management styles, strengths, challenges, and resolution strategies
  • Listen actively to facilitate understanding and prevent conflict
  • Dissect situational conflict to better understand roles and motivations
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively problem solve by identifying different courses of action and analyzing the consequences of each